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Chinese Letter Tattoo – Consider The Options!

Tattoo is an ancient art that modifies your body permanently. Since olden times man had been using tattoos for a variety of reasons. The most common use in ancient times was identification. People belonging to certain tribes used to have tattoos that identified them as the member of that tribe. A tattoo was most common with the chiefs of the …

The Chinese Horoscopes Can be Confusing To Learn

You probably did not know it but 2008 is the Year of the Rat. The timeline of the Rat comes once every twelve years. There are eleven other animal zodiac signs that occur once a year as well in Chinese horoscopes. It is a far different cycle than the one Americans use. It all has to do with ancient mythology …

Chinese Tea – Health Benefits of Chinese Tea

Chinese tea is a drink that has been made from the tea leaves that have been processed using methods that traced its roots to China. Careful selection of tea leaves is often made in order to make a Chinese tea. The leaves that are considered to be of highest grade are the white tea, the yellow tea and the green …

Buy Chinese Antiques, Still Vitally Alive – Ignore New Dragon CO2 Bargains

Chinese antiques come to mind when I recall the British commonwealth Games in my home city Victoria Canada. It was 1994, and Victoria was hosting the commonwealth Games, as they are called. They are bigger that the Winter Olympics, are held every four years, two years apart from the Olympics. They are a huge success wherever they are held, as …

There Are Many Effective Chinese Herbs For Arthritis

The use of Chinese herbs for many different diseases has a history of centuries, and also for Arthritis, a debilitating disease of the joints and bones, the Chinese use herbs as and effective treatment. Arthritis is not just one disease there are many different forms and symptoms but it has plagued many people through the ages. Chinese herbs for arthritis …

The Benefits of Traditional Chinese Herbs

Here in the U.S., we eat what tastes good. School kids going through the school lunch line make food choices based on if the food tastes good or not. Even adults will choose fast food over more nutritious home cooked meals occasionally based on taste. Who wouldn’t want cake or candy over vegetables? The Chinese view food very differently from …

Importance Of Blue Dragon in Chinese Astrology

The Dragon occupies an important position in the life of the Chinese people and has also gained prominence in the Chinese stories and myths. Dragons are thus made a part of the Chinese astrology where importance is given to the blue Dragon. The Chinese people believe that the blue Dragon is full of power and strength and is the creator …

US Immigration From Asia

The following article discusses United States Immigration from countries located on the continent of Asia. At the time of this writing, one of the major topics within American Immigration circles is possible legislation which would result in Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Although this is a topic that should be widely discussed, there are those who feel that the attention paid to …

What Do We Mean By A Chinese Horoscope?

What do we mean by a horoscope? An astrologer’s diagram of the relative position of planets, stars and other such celestial entities and the prediction of incidents which are based on these astrological calculations is known as a horoscope. Birth chart or natal chart is another name for horoscope. What is a Chinese Horoscope? Popularity is the other name of …